Why are you standing in multiple districts? Are you concerned it may be seen as a cynical attempt to increase your chances of election?
If you look at the establishment of the Murihiku, both from Maori & Scottish roots – you will see that they worked together & that our ancestors embraced the pioneers, who travelled throughout the South. They brought resources into each region, created routes for travel. Maori & European settlers worked together to map out each area, name the places, provide & distribute locally, and to thrive. There were strong minded people among them who did a lot of good. I want to find & encourage those people to be the best they can be; to serve & care.
We have massive potential to draw together beyond just our own direct settlements.
- Queenstown can positively influence Te Anau & Invercargill.
- Rural Southland draws all of the centres together & it is a provider – of food, adventure, grounded people, & stunning scenery.
- Invercargill is a major engineering centre for the South. It is the biggest city, which is growing massive infrastructure for the coming times – including the world class Internet, shopping, & innovative businesses.
- A large percentage of Invercargill’s people are inventive.
- Invercargill can learn from Queenstown, & Queenstown has perspective, savvy people, style & charisma that we all need.
- We have an enough food in the South to provide balanced nutrious living to everyone, & more..
We each have resources that should be be shared locally. It is local people who need to connect with each other.
This is not something that should be entirely managed by government initiatives. This is about people, connecting with people. I believe that we are vessels, & I am here to empower, not to have egotistical power.
I believe that each person is here for a reason & we each have massive potential to positively transform the area we choose to develop. I am good at linking people together & activating ideas. So I will offer that.